- Electronic Over Ring Accelerators
Guidosimplex is renowned Worldwide for its Ring Accelerators , we designed the World’s very first Over and Under Ring Accelerator many years ago.
This device gives the end user that “feels familiar” sensation, this solution is mounted directly over the original steering wheel, meaning you maintain that normal driving position “both hands on the steering wheel in the 10 to 10 position”. Refinished in hand stitched soft Italian leather it Integrates perfectly with the car’s interior and allows full view of the dashboard and Airbag functionality.
Main Features:
- Specifically designed for comfortable driving , 10 to 10 hand position
- Complete Control , acceleration is set to suit your individual style of driving
- No Flex whatsoever, Pushing downwards on any point of the ring you obtain the same perfect response from your vehicle
- Comes complete with a Motor reduction button , this reduces the motor power by 50% , reducing stress in traffic and parking.
- During Braking acceleration is automatically inhibited
- A detachable – Quick Release version is also available
- This version enables all members of the family to use the same vehicle
- Installation & Service performed at your local Guidosimplex Agent.
- Facilitates wheelchair loading
- 60 years of experience in each accelerator
( * Request)